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Adult Education

Sunday School and Emmaus Walk


Christian ministry for adults of all ages is an important part of the life of FUMC. For starters, come be a part of one of our Sunday School classes. You may also consider participating in an Emmaus Walk.



PARLOR CLASS (Parlor, First Floor)

All Ages Welcome


This class of young people ranging from their early 20s into their early 30’s.  We are called the Discussion Class because we enjoy studies that make us think and often we share varying opinions. We enjoy a time of refreshments and come together as a group to study and discuss the Bible, social issues, and the world today.


GRAHAM CLASS (Room 103, First Floor)

All Ages Welcome

The W. A. Graham Sunday School Class has been in existence since World War Two, but now has a diverse membership of adults of all ages. The class is open to any person regardless of age, sex or race.  The class has two teachers and uses both lecture-type teaching and group discussion, following the International Bible Lesson or inspired by current events.  Come join us! We would welcome you with open arms.


SONSHINE CLASS (Room N305, Third Floor)

Ages 20s to 40s


Formed in 2010, the Sonshine Class is comprised of young adults, including singles and married couples, with and without children. We welcome dynamic discussion on a wide range of topics in a relaxed group atmosphere. We consider a variety of viewpoints on topics that range from biblical truths to current events and everything in between. Lessons are led by class members or guest speakers who bring a broad diversity of perspectives. The group enjoys learning from each other through lively dialogue, creating friendships, and focusing on faith. Class socials, including an annual summer cookout and Christmas party, are always lively, and actively promote fellowship outside of the church.


CORNERSTONE CLASS (Room N312, Third Floor)

Ages 35 to 50s


Couples and singles of the Cornerstone class engage a wide variety of faith topics through discussion and lecture formats. In this class you'll find and develop relationships in an environment of acceptance and diverse perspectives.  


ALMON CLASS (Room N304, Third Floor)
Age 50 and Up

The Almon Class is a vital class ranging in age from 50 years and up.  Most are professional or retired professionals with empty nests.  This is a loving and compassionate group that studies the Bible, serves the church, and reaches out to others in the community.


Age 40 and Up

The Norton-Mussleman class has been a diverse group of people ranging from 40 years of age and up.  Studies range from biblical studies to various faith topics with lively discussions.  Members get together with other classes for social interaction and enjoy the relationships that have been developed in this class.


FERGUSON CLASS (Room N317, Third Floor)

Ages 60 and Up (and a Few Younger)

The Ferguson Class is a "3-D Experience:"

  • Diverse - The people of the Ferguson Class are young, old, young at heart, retired, semi-retired and rich in experience

  • Devoted - The people of the Ferguson Class are devoted. They are devoted to showing up for class, participating while they're there, setting an example for each other and holding and living the tenants of the Church and sound Christian principles without being pushy or judgmental.

  • Delightful - The people of the Ferguson Class are simply delightful! They celebrate with, pray for and care for each other and make Bible study fun. Through the member-led lessons and lively discussions you'll walk away with a message that you can use everyday!





The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. The Walk to Emmaus experience begins with a 72-hour short course in Christianity, comprised of 15 talks by lay and clergy on the themes of God's grace, disciplines of Christian discipleship, and what it means to be the church. The course is wrapped in prayer and meditation, special times of worship and daily celebration of Holy Communion. The "Emmaus community," made up of those who have attended an Emmaus weekend, support the 72-hour experience with a prayer vigil, by preparing and serving meals, and other acts of love and self-giving. The Emmaus Walk usually begins Thursday evening and concludes Sunday evening. Men and women attend separate weekends.


During and after the three days, Emmaus leaders encourage participants to meet regularly in small groups. The members of the small groups challenge and support one another in faithful living. Participants seek to Christianize their environments of family, job, and community through the ministry of their congregations. Find out more about the Alabama Emmaus Community.


In the Shoals area the Shoals Emmaus Cluster works to help sustain renewal experiences on the Walk To Emmaus by inspiring, challenging, and equipping members for Christian action in their homes, churches, place of work, and communities. We are one of several regional groups of Fourth Day pilgrims, established by the Alabama Emmaus Community. Anyone who has completed a Walk to Emmaus, or similar expression of this three-day experience, may become a member. Find out more about the Shoals Emmaus Cluster.




Emmaus Walk
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