Florenzmuzik, the official community music series of First United Methodist Church is currentlyin its innaugural season. Tonight’s concert marks the end of our fall programming for the 2021/2022 season. This fall we have already had the pleasure of featuring a Fall Hymn Festival, a Pedals, Pipes and Pizza event, the UNA Chamber Choir and Repertory Orchestra, and acclaimed British organist Alex Jones. As we move forward in the spring we are happy to share the following events with the Shoals community:
Azia Shabazz, Soprano.
Friday February 4, 2022 7:00p.m.
Florenzmuzik is pleased to present soprano Azia Shabazz. Ms. Shabazz is currently a senior vocal performance major at the University of North Alabama. She will present a program of music of that spans several centuries across multiple genres. The concert is free and open to the public.
Celebrate and Sing!: Honoring the Music Ministry of Linda May with Joel Raney
Sunday February 21, 2022 3:00p.m.
Lux Aeterna: Works of Light and Hope
Tuesday April 12, 2022 7:00p.m.
Birmingham Southern Choir
Thursday April 21, 2022 7:00p.m.
Florenzmuzik and First United Methodist Church are happy to host the choir from Birmingham Southern under the direction of Lester Siegel. This concert is in conjunction with the choir’s first tour since before the pandemic. Come enjoy an evening of excellent choral music! The concert is free and open to the community.
Smoke on the Mountain
Friday-Sunday, April 29-May 1, 2022
In conjunction with the First United Methodist Church 2022 Bicentennial Celebration, we are happy to announce a production of the hit off-Broadway musical Smoke on the Mountain by Alan Bailey and Connie Ray. To receive information about tickets please join our mailing list by visiting fumcflo.org/music.
40th Annual FUMC Handy Concert
Monday July 25, 2022 7:00p.m.
The Sanctuary Choir and FUMC Handy Band will present their 40th annual Handy Concert in partnership with the W.C. Handy Festival in the Shoals area. More details will be forthcoming about guest artists. The concert is free and open to the community.