"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)
The goal of the Methodist church is to "Love God, Love Others, Change the World." In order to live this out, we believe that each follower of Jesus should be a good steward of what God has given us.
Whether it's our time, our talents, our gifts or our financial resources, we believe that we are called to use them for the glory of God, the love of others, and the transformation of the world.
Throughout this website you will find ways in which time and talents can be used in this way. At our worship services you will have the opportunity to invest financially in our ministry as well. We ask that you will use these opportunities to share in the ministries of this community of faith.
The annual stewardship campaign is held each fall, usually in October and November. We consider stewardship to be ongoing and have several convenient ways for you to give.
Download This Graphic For Your Phone's "Home" Image

1. Download our lockscreen image here
2. In your photos, click the "share image" button in the lower left corner, and select "use as wallpaper"
3. Position image accordingly, and click "set" in the lower right corner
4. Enjoy your stewardship reminder!
Use this portal to safely and securely give online toward your Ministry Pledge or to any other fund at FUMC, including memorials and honorariums in honor of others. Click "Give Now," choose your giving option from the "Fund" dropdown, enter the amount you'd like to give, and follow the instructions to input your personal information and debit or credit card information. To complete your transaction click the "Submit" button. You may have to scroll down to see the entire portal. It is not necessary to use the "Sign In" tab.
Take advantage of the convenience and consistency of an automatic bank draft! Simply click here to download a printable bank draft authorization or call the office at 256-764-5072 to make arrangements.
Consider making a gift that will impact the lives of FUMC members for years to come. Your gift through the FUMC Congregational Fund gives you the ability to reach into the future and to influence the world in which your family, loved ones and church will live. Click here to download a brochure with details and frequently asked questions.
Of course, donations of cash and checks are always accepted. You may contribute during the church service, or drop your gift by the office.
To make a donation online through Paypal, click the DONATE button below to get started. If your gift is to be designated for a particular purpose or in memory/honor of someone, please be sure to enter this information in the "Add a Note" section of your Paypal donation form.