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Consecration Sunday

All shall give as they are able, according to the blessing

of the Lord your God that he has given you.” (Deuteronomy 16:17, NRSVue)

This Sunday, November 12th, we’ll observe Consecration Sunday, where each household will offer an estimate of giving for the coming year. We’ll gather in one service at 11:00 a.m. and hear from Rev. Sherill Clontz, who will challenge us to develop the spiritual discipline of giving to God to increase our trust in him. Everything we have is a gift from God, and we are merely managers of the resources he has made available to us. What we give reflects our gratitude for all God has given us.

While we encourage tithing (10%) of a household’s income (as some Bible passages instruct), we recognize that only a small percentage of Christians give according to this standard. This fact is unfortunate because when we fail to give significantly and proportionally to God, we miss out on the blessings of trusting that we can live on the 90% that remains. We also miss out on playing a vital role in something beyond ourselves. Tithing is a generous contribution to the Kingdom of God that solidifies our commitment and engagement in God’s mission for our church.

The best way to move toward tithing is through growing one percentage step each year. You can begin by determining the percentage of your income you are currently giving. Once you have figured out the percentage, consider increasing it by one percent. Even if it seems beyond your ability now, it may be a challenge you need to take. People often find that prioritizing their giving to God forces them to make wiser choices about their other spending with long-term benefits. The goal is to grow our faith through the discipline of giving. Growth of any kind requires discipline, perseverance, and consistency.

At the end of the service on Sunday, we’ll ask you to bring a completed “Estimate of Giving” forward and place it on a table at the front of the sanctuary. An “Estimate of Giving” is truly an estimate—we know people’s financial circumstances can change. If your situation changes (either negatively or positively), you can call the church office anytime to adjust the amount down or up confidentially.

This Sunday, we hope you will join us at 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary and then stay for a Celebration Luncheon in McDowell Hall immediately following the worship service. We will have a wonderful meal for you and your family as we celebrate God’s faithfulness to us and our faithfulness to God. It will be a joyous time together that you won’t want to miss as our congregation gathers at one time and place. You’ll see familiar faces and new ones, and the fellowship will inspire you.

See you on Sunday!

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