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Gaudete Sunday - A Time of Rejoicing

Writer's picture: FUMC CommunicationsFUMC Communications

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice!"

(Philippians 4:4, NRSVue)

This coming Sunday, December 15th, our church will observe a beautiful and meaningful tradition: Gaudete Sunday. The word Gaudete comes from the Latin for "Rejoice!" and is taken from the words of Philippians 4:4, the New Testament lectionary passage for this Sunday in Advent. It is a call to joyful anticipation, a moment of celebration amidst the reflective tone of the season.

Traditionally, Gaudete Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent. As we draw nearer to celebrating Christ’s birth, the focus shifts from the themes of repentance and preparation in the first two Sundays of Advent to joy and hope. We light a pink or rose-colored candle on the Advent wreath, symbolizing joy, while the blue candles represent penitence seeded with hope and expectation for the coming King Jesus.

Why rose? The color signifies a "lightening" of the somberness of Advent, a reminder that even in seasons of waiting or challenge, joy is breaking through. Gaudete Sunday reminds us that the joy of the Lord is not just reserved for Christmas morning but is available here and now, even as we wait.

This year, we invite you to embrace this tradition with a simple yet meaningful gesture: wearing pink or rose-colored clothing to worship on December 15th. It’s a way for us to embody the joy of the season and visually proclaim that, in Christ, our hearts are made


In Philippians, the apostle Paul urges us to rejoice—always. This call to joy is not dependent on circumstances but rooted in the nearness of the Lord. As we reflect on this, let us consider how we might carry the spirit of Gaudete Sunday beyond our


  • How might we share joy with those who are struggling?

  • What does it mean to rejoice, even while we wait for God’s promises to be fulfilled?

Join us this Sunday as we share this tradition. Let’s celebrate the joy of the coming

Christ and embody the light breaking into the world. Whether you have a pink scarf, a

rose-colored tie, or simply a joyful heart, come ready to rejoice! And don’t forget to invite

your friends and encourage them to join in the fun of Gaudete Sunday!



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