Meet Our Staff
At FUMC Florence, our pastors and staff are available to serve you, care for you, and answer your questions however you'd like to reach them, whether that's in person, via email, or by phone. Learn more about each member of our team below.
(256) 764-5072
Open Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
256-764-5072 ext. 101

Reverend Dale Cohen Senior Pastor
Dale is the Senior Pastor of Florence First United Methodist Church. He received his undergraduate degree from Birmingham-Southern College in 1983 and a masters degree from Emory University's Candler School of Theology in 1986.
Dale was ordained an elder in the United Methodist Church in 1988 and has served several appointments in the North Alabama Conference, including six years as an associate pastor at Trinity UMC in Homewood. In 1992, he founded Discovery United Methodist Church in Hoover. Discovery grew to a worshiping congregation of more than 500 people, with many of those people coming into the church on profession of faith.
Prior to his appointment to Florence First UMC in July 2018, Dale served as Senior Pastor at Canterbury UMC from 2015 to 2018, Superintendent of the Northeast District of the North Alabama Conference from 2010 to 2015 and as the Director of Connectional Ministries for the North Alabama Conference from 2003 to 2010. He is married to Ann and they have three children in their blended family and five grandchildren.
256-764-5072 ext. 102

Rev. Dr. Terry Stubblefield
Associate for Congregational Care
Terry is from Hazel, Kentucky. He has three children. Andrew Wesley Stubblefield is a pediatrician and is a staff medical doctor with the Alabama Department of Public Health. Wes is married to Jennifer, and they have a daughter, Peyton. Edward Russell Stubblefield and Laura Elizabeth Stubblefield Erwin are twins. Russell lives in Birmingham, is married to Brooke and they have two children, Laura Brittain and Miller. Laura lives in Parker, Colorado, is married to Donald Erwin and they have two children, Laney and Tripp.
Terry graduated from Freed-Hardeman College, Murray State University, The University of Alabama School of Dentistry and International Bible Seminary. A practicing dentist for over forty years, Terry has always been involved in ministry. Terry has been a deacon, elder, Sunday School Director, VBS Director and minister at various churches. Terry comes to FUMC after serving the Prairie UMC and St Mark UMC in Aberdeen, Mississippi for three years.
Terry enjoys his children and grandchildren, travel, reading, old house renovations, gourmet food and architecture. He loves Florence, Alabama and the Florence First United Methodist Church.
256-764-5072 ext. 112
Marianna Jordan
Children's Director

Courtney Rohling
Day School Director
Born and raised in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia, Courtney attended the Savannah College of Art and Design, where she received a BFA in photography. She first moved to Florence in 2004, where she joined First United Methodist Church and had her twin babies baptized.
In 2007 the Army moved her family to Wonju, South Korea. While in Korea she taught English in the elementary schools. Upon her return Courtney began teaching in the two-year-old classroom in the Day School. In 2012 she accepted the position of Assistant Director to the Day School, and was later named Day School Director. She thoroughly enjoys her job and loves coming to work each day, watching the wonders of our Creator’s beautiful world unfold to a child.​
In her free time she enjoys being with her three children. She may not be from Florence originally, but she certainly considers it home!

Mary Tidwell
Mary has served in this position at FUMC since 1988. If you want any information in our Messenger, call Mary and she will take care of that. She and her husband, Don have a son, Will, who earned his Ph.D. from Utah State University. Her four beagles take up her time with Will being gone and she loves to keep up with all of the furry pets.

Daniel Ritch
Assistant Music Director
Daniel Ritch is a native of Hamilton, AL. He is a 2008 graduate of Hamilton High School in Hamilton,AL. Mr. Ritch holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music degree from The University of Alabama and Master of Arts in Education degree from the University of North Alabama. He is married to Ashton Bailey Ritch.
Daniel is the head director at Hardin County Middle School in Savannah, TN, and an assistant band director with Hardin County High School. He has performed as a tubist with the Shoals Symphony Orchestra, Corinth Symphony Orchestra, and as part of the Florence based tuba quartet the Principal Brass Tuba Quartet.